Dear SJM students:
You are receiving this email because you will be completing classwork from home for an undetermined amount of time. We understand that independent learning poses new challenges, but your teachers and administration are here to support you every step of the way. You will succeed. Please read the following protocol carefully.
Make sure your SJM email and Google Classroom are fully functional: You will be expected to observe your class schedule. Your teachers will communicate with you through SJM email and Google Classroom:
Your teachers will post lessons daily between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. They will post only the lessons for that day; you are not expected to work ahead, just focus on the daily tasks.
You must check both your SJM email and your Google Classroom every day at 9:00 a.m. as if you were attending class.
Your teachers will monitor their email and Google Classroom daily from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.; ask for help just like you would in class. Due dates will be observed as if you were attending class.
Remember to pray before and after your virtual school day. We are praying for you.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Sani
Michele Sani
Assistant Head of School: Academics
San Joaquin Memorial High School
1406 N. Fresno St.
Fresno, CA 93703
(559) 268-9251 ext 106
(559) 268-3748 fax
[email protected]