A lot has been happening with Memorial's Catholic Identity over the past few years. The most notable accomplished goals from the 5-year strategic plan include solidifying a full-time Service Coordinator position in the 2017-18 school year, establishing the "Partners in Faith" Catholic identity volunteer support team in 2018-19, and offering All Class Mass/Formation Hour services every month of the school year since the 2016 fall semester.
The impact of a full-time Service Coordinator has allowed for more one-on-one mentoring with students and more consistent service immersion experiences. It has also led to record breaking success in service completion as well as the establishment of the Distinguished Service Award which identifies seniors who go above and beyond in service to marginalized populations.
The “Partners in Faith” support team, though fairly new, has a lot of enthusiasm. The team is comprised of alumni, current and former parents, and other community supporters of SJM who work on projects and initiatives that support the faith life of the school. A couple of these initiatives include a prayer team and a group focused on religiously themed campus beautification projects. The All Class Masses and Formation Hour services cater to each specific grade level to offer more engaging and supportive spiritual experiences that promote class unity.
The Catholic Identity Committee is proud of these and other goals accomplished in the recent past and look forward to further promoting and strengthening Memorial's ever present Catholic Identity.
SJM's Catholic Identity Strategic Plan Mission Statement:
San Joaquin Memorial High School will exemplify its identity as a Roman Catholic school founded on Gospel values through faith formation, worship, campus ministry, and service opportunities, in order to manifest these values within our school, our families, our parishes, and our community.