I write to you this afternoon in an attempt to bring some clarity to a recent development among the SJM student body. It has come to my attention that private parties, dances or events are being planned for the end of the 2020/21 school year. For the most part it appears that these happenings are aligned along grade levels.
While we understand the desire to have end of the year formal events, given the current
restrictions on schools for gatherings it is impossible for SJM to host these types of events.
Please understand that there are so many important events happening at this time of the year the risk of a large gathering is ill advised. Protocols from the Fresno Department of Public Health, would require that if a student who attended an event subsequently tests positive for COVID-19, every student who attended the event would be required to quarantine for 10 days.
With AP exams, graduation, Baccalaureate Mass, sporting events, final exams and other end of the year traditions on the horizon, the risk is not worth the reward for these unsanctioned events.
It would be devastating for a large segment of a grade level to not sit for their AP exams or attend Graduation because they are in quarantine.
I would like to make it perfectly clear that none of these events are school sponsored or even school sanctioned. There has been mention that any proceeds from the event will be given to the school. Acceptance of any proceeds from an event would make the event a school event and shift liability to SJM and that is not permissible.
I hope this clarifies some of the misconceptions about these events.